Freedom for Palestine - [8.5x11], 20% PROCEEDS GO TO PCRF

Freedom for Palestine artwork framed.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa_no sig.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa 4.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa 7.jpg
Freedom for Palestine artwork framed.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa_no sig.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa 4.jpg
palestine flag al aqsa 7.jpg

Freedom for Palestine - [8.5x11], 20% PROCEEDS GO TO PCRF


This is the print version of the original painting, “Freedom for Palestine” as seen on HassanQart’s Instagram page. All proceeds from the purchase of this print will be going to Palestine Children Relief efforts.

Palestine artwork print.

Size: 8.5x11 in

This artwork is for sale by Hassan Qureshi only. Duplication or distribution is not allowed without the written consent of Hassan Qureshi.

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I created this piece being inspired by the photo that was taken of a man waving the Palestinian flag in front of the Dome of the Rock. I wanted to create something that showcased hope and unity.

The proceeds from this print will ALL be donated to Palestine Children Relief Fund.